Sunday, July 26, 2009

Bad Economy HasThieves Getting Desparate

This morning, while strolling through downtown Buford spying for a house or two, I noticed a bike upside down. Didn't think anything about it for maybe  2 or 3 minutes, then it hit me, the bike had no wheels. Well I went back to check it out, and it appears someone turned the bike upside down and took the wheels off. Yep it had a lock around the frame, but enough extra slack in the chain cable thing to allow it to  be flipped over. To make a long story short I snapped a few photos and headed on my way before someone blamed me! I went back this afternoon to see if it was still there and it wasn't.


Colors Of Life Photography said...

Your journalism shot was the person taking the

Darren said...

Actually, this afternoon I was at the Railroad Tracks trying to time the trains and over toward the tannery was this guy on a bike that looked just like the one I saw. About 30 minutes later I was in the back alley ways trying to find something interesting to shoot and the bike is chained to another pole without the tires. I am thinking the guy takes them off so they will not get stolen. Could that be possible?

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